The Average Monthly Cost of Sending Your Child to Day Care in America is Astonishing [Infographic]

The costs of living in the United States is increasing. The cost of housing, food, education, even the cost of having someone watch your child outside of the home has risen dramatically!

This visualization from shows that the most expensive state in the Unites States to raise children, while both parents work, is Washington D.C. at a whopping average of $1,886 per month for child care. Parents in Mississippi luck out by coming in at the lowest cost with an average of $402 per month for child care. That means Washington D.C. parents pay more than four times as much as those from Mississippi when it comes to finding outside care for their child. You would think that by charging such high amounts, those that work in child care must be making decent wages. Wrong.

Despite these high costs, child care workers and their families are more than twice as likely to live in poverty, with an estimated average income of $24,146. How can families afford such high child care costs while the price of everything else is increasing as well? What are state governments going to do to help families with these exorbitant costs?

Hopefully this graphic from Playground Equipment is as eye opening for you as it was for us.

The Average Monthly Cost of Sending Your Child to Day Care in America is Astonishing
Infographic Source:
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