9 Ways To Get Over The Mid-Afternoon Slump Without Coffee [Infographic]

Whether you have a fancy office coffee maker or not, the smell of coffee alone is enticing for many of us any time of day. But when that mid-afternoon slump hits, coffee may feel more like a necessity. This slump—usually around 2 p.m.—is characterized by a drop in energy, concentration, and alertness. That lack of energy can do a number on your productivity for the day.

While you may have turned to an afternoon cup of coffee for a mid-day jolt, there are other effective ways to boost energy. For instance, one study found that walking for 10 minutes is more energizing than 50 milligrams of coffee. Feel like you can’t pencil in a walk today? See if you can make one of your meetings a walking meeting so you can kill two birds with one stone. Read on for more ways to stay productive through the mid-afternoon slump.

9 Ways To Get Over The Mid-Afternoon Slump Without Coffee

Source: www.quill.com

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