The Most Dangerous State for Women is Alaska - Here's How the Rest of the Nation Stacks Up [Infographic]

For most people, personal safety and security is a top priority. Unfortunately in America, many women face the very real threat of physical violence and sexual assault. While some areas of the country are statistically safer than others, this is still a growing problem in the US. Working professionals who travel may be interested to know which states are the most dangerous for women’s sexual safety.

This infographic and study was conducted by Security Baron and and it ranks the safety of each state in the US, using data collected from both the FBI and the CDC. The result is a “women’s sexual safety index” (WSSI). The factors making up this index include reported rape, contact sexual violence, stalking, unwanted sexual contact, and intimate partner victimization. Alaska, for example, ranks as the most dangerous state for women’s safety, experiencing the highest violence statistics in relation to the state’s population.

Conversely, North Dakota is rated the safest state in the US. As an added bonus, the WSSI is also presented here in map form, which makes for an easy visualization. Stay safe!

The Most Dangerous State for Women is Alaska - Here's How the Rest of the Nation Stacks Up

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