What Are Your Odds of Becoming a Millionaire [Infographic]

What are your odds of becoming a millionaire? As good as the lotto? Slim to none? Title Max (which can be found at TitleMax.com) has broken down some interesting statistics on your likelihood of ever having a million dollars to your name. While about one in every 32 Americans are millionaires, your likelihood of becoming one in your lifetime depends on a wide away factors, from your age to race to education. An Asian senior citizen with a post-graduate degree, for instance, is more likely to be a millionaire than a thirty-something African American with only a high school degree.

Some Americans, it seems, have an uphill battle even if they get an education or manage to somehow run a successful startup (a one-in-200 chance). In fact, depending on who you are, you may be far more likely to reach the poverty level than become a millionaire.

Nonetheless, most Americans, including the millionaires themselves, believe that working hard will result in a payoff. This is despite the fact that 40% of millionaires self-reported as not working. See how your chances compare!

What Are Your Odds of Becoming a Millionaire

Source: www.titlemax.com

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