The Trash One Person Produces in One Year [Infographic]

What if you gather all the garbage you threw away in the past year? This visualization from may be closest to the heap. On average, we produce more than 2,000 pounds of garbage per person per person, or about 4.4 pounds per person.This is a lot of junks! What is the biggest project we are wasting in the US? We threw a cardboard box of 187.77 pounds per person, with 854.2 pounds of wood, 91.53 pounds of garden accessories and 220.93 pounds of food waste (considering how many people are hungry, especially in this country) It was.

This is a lot of Amazon's box! It is important to check small items (such as HDPE containers) on our list, but if you do not recycle it may increase environmental problems. Imagine before you throw your year-end accumulation into the trash can. It may no longer be at your house, but it may be in a reclaimed land that is certainly not away!

The Trash One Person Produces in One Year

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