Looking back at the financial crisis of the Great Depression and the Great Depression in the past, debt quickly caught up with us, and fiscal growth at the economic and personal levels was slow, and the entire country suffered losses. Today we encountered some very familiar signs of impending collapse - this time in the form of excessive student loan debt.
After graduation, the average debt of students is $28,000, which takes only ten years. Young people, especially Generation Z, are often forced to postpone these loans, including interest rates that can add thousands of dollars and decades of repayment. But not just bank accounts suffer; millions of Americans pay back student loans with little extra cash, and there is less and less money flowing through the economy.
More than the combined market value of Microsoft and Facebook, today's national student loan debt is unprecedented, and we have a responsibility to control it before it is too late. The details in this infographic are more about today's student loan crisis and its implications for the future.
Source: www.studentloanreview.com