20 Natural Insomnia Remedies and Ways to Get a Better Night's Rest and Fall Asleep Easier [Infographic]

If you struggle to fall asleep and go to sleep, you are not alone. About 60 million Americans suffer from insomnia every year. The cause of insomnia is widespread and often rooted in personal habits, health and emotional well-being. Stress, sorrow and trauma often result in insomnia. Chronic pain, asthma, allergies and other physical disorders also can interfere with sleep and cause insomnia. Dosing may also cause this problem.

This infographic of Mattress Clarity (MattressClarity.com) provides 20 possible natural remedies to help alleviate insomnia and promote healthy sleep. Many of the remedies provided are supported by research and science such as physical activity, melatonin, lavender oil etc, but other treatments come from traditional medicines such as dry dates, poetry and care I will. Since insomnia is often a multifaceted problem, it is important to take a multifaceted approach and add various methods to a healthy sleep toolset. One important thing to keep in mind is that phones and other electronic media generate blue light and the brain interprets it as daylight. It can suppress Melatonin and destroy your natural rhythm. Therefore it is prudent to avoid screen time for high quality sleep within an hour before going to bed.

20 Natural Insomnia Remedies and Ways to Get a Better Night's Rest and Fall Asleep Easier

Source: www.mattressclarity.com
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